Attention FOP Leaders:

Illinois House Bill 3653 was designed to undermine Law Enforcement’s ability to protect public safety. This motivated the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police to prioritize our Political Action Committee. We continue to work for you but now we need your help! The ILFOP PAC can accept donations online by following the link below up to $149. If you, or your lodge would like to donate additional funds, it will take a more personal touch. Please contact us at PAC@ILFOP.ORG

The groups opposed to Law Enforcement are raising money to strip us of our Qualified Immunity!!!
We can’t sit on the sidelines and watch our profession be destroyed. This is our way to fight back!!

We will find candidates for state wide offices who are supporters of law and order or law enforcement officers themselves. As you know this fight will be difficult and costly. Please consider a donation to help us in this fight against Law Enforcement!! We are asking each of our over 30,000 members to donate $25; though any amount is appreciated.

100% of our finances come from voluntary contributions from people like you.

Follow this link to donate:

If you’d prefer to send a check, mail it to 4341 Acer Grove Suite B Springfield, IL. 62711

Make checks payable to: FOP Action IL State Lodge

We must share this email and information with all of our brothers and sisters in law enforcement and our friends and family!

The FOP Action IL State Lodge Committee