Welcome to the newly updated Lodge 95 website. The National Fraternal Order of Police is the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers,
Lodge 95 elects a standing committee, the local labor council for purposes of producing and maintaining an employment contract for bargaining unit members. The Fraternal Order of Police Illinois Labor Council (state-wide organization) provides professional field representatives and attorneys to assist bargaining unit members on their employment.
Lodge 95 members are current and retired Secretary of State Investigators and Capitol police as well as ICC officers.
State FOP Peer Wellness Team is certified psychological first aid personnel. They do not answer to a Sheriff or Chief. Wellness specialists work for the members, in person or on the phone. All information is confidential, except what is required by law. These are trained current or retired police officers or correctional officers. Call (866) 535-1078, 24-hours a day, seven days a week. This number also accesses the FOP Disaster Response Unit and Chaplains.
Police Investigators
Quick Links
Our "Home Turf"
The Secretary of State police provides law enforcement services for the State Capitol complex, including a SWAT team and Bomb Squad. We are the only department with primary jurisdiction at the Capitol, since the Secretary of State is the custodian of the entire complex. The complex is virtually a city unto itself with special needs and issues. If we had to say what our home turf is, we would say the State Capitol, although we serve the entire State with specialized investigative services and have since 1913.
Project Blue Life
Contact FOP Lodge 95
Fill out our contact form to get in touch with a member of our staff.
News & Articles
LFOP Outreach Programs Inc is a 501c3, charity that was created to help the ILFOP PROVIDE A TAX BREAK for donors.
The Outreach Programs support the Disaster Response Unit, Peer Wellness Specialists, Chaplains, Project Blue Life, public /police education as well as officer benevolent health support. Tax-deductible donations can be made electronically by using this link.